Conference participants may submit a full paper which is oriented to be published in the RawMat2023 Proceedings Volume hosted in Materials Proceedings journal (
Publication in the Proceedings Volume is free of charge for all registered participants and the paper will be available as an open access document. Among the author benefits from the publication through this volume are:
- Open access. Unlimited and free access for readers.
- No Copyright Constraints. Authors retain copyright and will be allowed for free use of their article for publication in one of the Conference Special Issues or in any other journal.
- High Visibility. All publications will receive a digital object identifier (DOI) and will be citable.
Here are some instructions on the procedure which must be followed by authors to prepare and submit the proceedings full paper:
- The paper should be written using the template. More details on the journal’s guidelines can be found in
- The recommended length of the paper should be around 4-6 pages in the given format.
- Submission does not guarantee acceptance for publication. All submissions will pass a peer-review process. Reviewers comments will be send to the authors in order to improve their paper’s quality.
- Authors should avoid to use previously published data and figures to avoid copyright issues with other journals.
When the final document is ready, authors may submit it by entering the Microsoft CMT system, finding the corresponding abstract and clicking the “Camera Ready: Create Camera Ready Submission” option in the Actions column.
Prof. Anthimos Xenidis,
School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Zografou Campus, 9, Iroon Polytechniou str,
15780, Athens, Greece
+30 697 8800991