Publication in Collaborating Journals
The possibility to further publish high-quality papers from distinguished research groups presented in RawMat2023, will be offered in a Special Issue of one of the collaborating peer-review journals after the end of the conference. Some of the mentioned journals are open access requiring an article processing charge from the side of the authors. RawMat2023 is going to provide a significant discount of this amount for all participant and a number of waivers for high-quality submissions.

Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy
Papers related to metallurgical processes and research aiming at improving the sustainability of metals production, with an emphasis on materials recovery, reuse, and recycling, energy and environmental impacts minimization will be invited to submit in a Special Issue of the Journal of Sustainable Metallurgy (Springer, Impact factor 3.068 (2021)).

Papers related to minerals, minerals processing, mining and environment will have an opportunity to be submitted in the Special Issue entitled “Exploration, Mining, and Processing of Minerals: Enabling the Clean Energy Transition” of the journal Minerals (MDPI, open access, impact factor 2.818 (2021)).

Technical Annals
Selected papers in the area of Raw Materials and Circular Economy will be also published in a Special Issue of the Open Access e- Technical Annals Journal. It is a relatively new international journal, formerly a national one having published engineering articles for decades, that recently started publishing high-quality original research articles, reviews, and technical notes in various fields of engineering and technology. The journal is edited by the Technical Chamber of Greece through the e-Publishing Platform.
Prof. Anthimos Xenidis,
School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Zografou Campus, 9, Iroon Polytechniou str,
15780, Athens, Greece
+30 697 8800991