Presentation Guidelines
Oral presentations
Regular oral presentations will last 15 minutes which include a 12 min speech by the presenting author and another 3 min for questions by the audience. Plenary and keynote presentations will last 30 minutes duration (25 min speech and 5 min for discussion) unless otherwise indicated in the final program
Oral presentations should be delivered in Microsoft PowerPoint format (.pptx file) or Adobe Acrobat Reader format (.pdf file). Preferably, the widescreen ratio (16:9) should be used. The file should be uploaded by the speaker using the following link till Friday August 25th, 2023. Then, the file should be electronically handed to the Registration Desk at least one session before the presentation. To assist you, we’ve prepared a special template that you’re welcome to use. Our special template is available for download, but you are free to use it at your discretion. If you find it helpful, great! If not, feel free to create your own design.
In order to keep the program on time, all authors are requested to be accurate in their timetable and presentation durations.
Poster presentations
The presenting authors should hang their printed posters in the morning of their presentation and remove them at the end of the poster session. The preferable dimensions for posters should be 80 cm x 120 cm (width x height). All posters are required to conform to portrait orientation. Type size should be sufficiently large to allow people to read from 2-3 meters. There is no template to hold you back, so feel free to explore your artistic prowess and create a stunning poster that truly stands out.
All posters should be also uploaded using the following link till Friday August 25th, 2023. All uploaded posters will be presented in TV monitors located at the posters area (room 16).
Prof. Anthimos Xenidis,
School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Zografou Campus, 9, Iroon Polytechniou str,
15780, Athens, Greece
+30 697 8800991