RawMat2023 Video

RawMat2023 – DAY 1 / ROOM 13 – Anna Michelle Asimakopoulou

The excellent plenary speech of Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou, Member of European Parliament entitled “How Europe can win the race to secure its Critical Raw Material Needs” is now available on the RawMat2023 website.

Anna-Michelle Asimakopoulou praised the political dimension and practical value and application of the Act on Critical Mineral Raw Materials in dealing with the expected massive increase in demand and the high dependence on imports. This is particularly important for green, digital, space and defense applications. She specifically mentioned that mineral raw materials are vital for the development of key technologies that make our twin energy and digital transitions possible – such as wind power generation, hydrogen storage or batteries. By strengthening our cooperation with trusted trading partners worldwide we can reduce the EU’s current dependencies on one or just a few countries, while ensuring the highest level of supply chain diversification for our European businesses.
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RawMat2023 – DAY 2 / ROOM 13 – Alexandra Sdoukou (in Greek)

Αλεξάνδρα Σδούκου, Υφυπουργός Περιβάλλοντος και Ενέργειας
Κρίσιμες πρώτες ύλες: Η στρατηγική αυτονομία της χώρας

RawMat2023 – DAY 3 / ROOM 13 – Prof. Slavko Solar

Prof. Slavko Solar from United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) Sustainable Energy Division delivered an excellent plenary presentation titled “The Application of United Nations Framework Classification for Resources (UNFC) to European Mineral Deposits”.[+] Show More


2nd International Conference on
Raw Materials and Circular Economy
Athens, Greece
28 Aug – 2 Sep 2023


National Technical University of Athens School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering
Technical Chamber of Greece


Prof. Anthimos Xenidis,
School of Mining & Metallurgical Engineering, Zografou Campus, 9, Iroon Polytechniou str, 15780, Athens, Greece


+30 697 8800991